Fashion Meets Black Role Models

Client: Unique Jeans

Company: Freelance

The company, Unique Jean's Story, aims to uplift young BIPOC individuals who are making a difference in their community through a fashion showcase of these individuals. The brand aims to give BIPOC individuals positive role models in their communities and allow these exemplified individuals to give positive messages to their communities.

Unique Jeans needed a powerful yet reachable look that was creative and simple. So, the logotype had to represent that. The custom typeface, the logotype, represents the hills an individual goes through as they progress in their career or life. While there are sharp turns, life has so many twists and turns. The rounded edges also provided a softness to the logotype.

With the brand's story, who they're targeting, and the platform they're pushing to create, the photography direction was to show strong, powerful, yet approachable. The company wanted a logo that could used in all areas and could be easily thought of in collaborations with BIPOC individuals that already had brands.


Unique Jeans is an American Jeans company promoting the success of colored individuals in minority communities. The company hired me to create a logo design that connects the younger and older generations but also shows that there is a disconnection. and the company wants to bridge that gap through fashion. I designed the bases of a brand for them with some art direction on how to utilize the direction the company was going in. The idea was to keep it minimal but bold.